Category navigation ONLY in the left hand pane

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13 năm cách đây
I've setup my category, sub-category lists.  I've set every category to Products in Grid.  Unfortunately, this causes the subcategories to be displayed in the right hand pane when you click a category in the nav bar.  I don't want the sub-categories displayed in the right hand pane under any circumstances.  I only want to see products over there.  How do I go about doing this?

This is what it currently looks like:

This is what I want it to look like:

As you click a category, the left hand bar opens up to show the sub-categories, by the right hand pane displays products and only products.
13 năm cách đây
I managed to hack around and find it.  For anyone who wants to do this, go to the Templates\Categories folder and find the .ascx file that corresponds to the value you specified for the category.  Mine was Products in Grid.

Remove the following lines from the template:
                <div class="sub-category-item">
                    <h2 class="category-title">
                        <asp:HyperLink ID="hlCategory" runat="server" />
                    <div class="picture">
                        <asp:HyperLink ID="hlImageLink" runat="server" />

I tried removing the entire div block, but it blew up the page.  I'm not an ASP developer and I know very little about nopCommerce, so someone with a bit more background would be better able to explain why you can't remove this entire block:

    <div class="sub-category-grid">
        <asp:DataList ID="dlSubCategories" runat="server" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
            RepeatLayout="Table" OnItemDataBound="dlSubCategories_ItemDataBound" ItemStyle-CssClass="item-box">
                <div class="sub-category-item">
                    <h2 class="category-title">
                        <asp:HyperLink ID="hlCategory" runat="server" />
                    <div class="picture">
                        <asp:HyperLink ID="hlImageLink" runat="server" />
    <div class="clear">
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