Installing on Server with .Net 3.5?

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13 năm cách đây
Hi All

First post here!

Our site is currently hosted on a server supporting .Net 3.5 at the moment. I was wondering what would happen if nopCommerce was installed on it? Would it fall over, refuse to run, run in part etc?

We're trying to avoid going to a new host.

Thanks for your help...
13 năm cách đây
read this post:
13 năm cách đây

Does that mean I could download and install version 1.6 and then upgrade when my server company get around to upgrading to 4.0 in the next couple of months... allegedly!
13 năm cách đây
heliNet wrote:

Does that mean I could download and install version 1.6 and then upgrade when my server company get around to upgrading to 4.0 in the next couple of months... allegedly!


Who are you hosting with?
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