Please help me understand a few features in nopCommerce

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13 năm cách đây

I'm new to nopCommerce and have read through all the features and compared them to the list of features that we have for a project we are considering.  It's a great feature list and many of them I was able to check off--but there are some things we would like our ecommerce solution to do and I'm still uncertain as to whether nopCommerce has these capabilities.  

It would be a huge help if others on the forum could enlighten me on whether these features exist in the latest nopCommerce release (or if it's coming in next release, feel free to note that too).  A simple YES or NO should suffice unless you see a need to provide more detail and don't mind doing so.

Very much appreciate the help in advance!

Does nopCommerce have any of these features?

Category can be assigned unique images
User definable category sort order
Full product catalog search (category, descriptions, price, manufacturer, keyword)
Top selling products
Print shipping labels and book shipments (UPS, FedEx - auto record tracking numbers)
Process exchanges
Cancel orders
Edit orders
Partial fill orders (fulfill a partial order when some products are out of stock)
Automatic customer email notification of order status
Quick shipping estimate on basket page
Order-specific coupons - redeem code for discount on entire order
Flat rate shipping - all orders $9.95 shipping
Calculate Shipping By Fixed Item Shipping Costs
Handling fees (ex: add on $2.00 to each order or 10%)
Shopper can Opt-in and Opt-out of email notifications and mailing lists
Browser popularity statistics (can be through Google Analytics)
Visitor reports (number of visitor, return visitor, conversions, etc)
Site usage statistics
Security logging tracking many aspects of site usage
Data encryption - sensitive account data is encrypted within the database
Password policy for customers - enforce password policies
Shopping cart aging settings

13 năm cách đây
I see there are some folks viewing this post but not answering.  In case the list is just too long, I'm breaking it up a bit here.  I also clarified some of them.

Answer these first if you have limited time

+Category can be assigned unique images
+User definable category sort order (able to manually determine which categories show first in navigation)
+Feature the top selling products
+Print shipping labels and book shipments (UPS, FedEx - auto record tracking numbers)
+Process exchanges
+ Cancel orders  (YES, from what I saw in screenshots yesterday)
+Quick shipping estimate on basket page
+ Flat rate shipping - all orders $9.95 shipping
+Shopper can Opt-in and Opt-out of email notifications and mailing lists
+Data encryption - sensitive account data is encrypted within the database
+ Ability to  Edit orders (either shopper or customer service person)

Would also like to know if these features are available

Full product catalog search (category, descriptions, price, manufacturer, keyword)
Partial fill orders (fulfill a partial order when some products are out of stock)
Automatic customer email notification of order status
Order-specific coupons
Calculate Shipping By Fixed Item Shipping Costs
Handling fees (ex: add on $2.00 to each order or 10%)
Browser popularity statistics (can be through Google Analytics)
Visitor reports (number of visitor, return visitor, conversions, etc)
Site usage statistics
Security logging tracking many aspects of site usage
Password policy for customers - enforce password policies
Shopping cart aging settings
13 năm cách đây
+Category can be assigned unique images
Yes, upload image on category details page: Administration > Catalog > Categories > (edit category)

+User definable category sort order (able to manually determine which categories show first in navigation)
Yes, store owner can set the order of categories in navigation: Administration > Catalog > Categories > (edit category) >  setting: "Display order"

+Feature the top selling products
Yes, Best Sellers can be shown on home page: Administration > Global Settings > Products (tab) > settings: "Show best sellers on home page:" & "Number of best sellers on home page:"

+Print shipping labels and book shipments (UPS, FedEx - auto record tracking numbers)
No, only gets estimated shipping rates, tracking numbers can be manually added to an order

+Process exchanges
Has a returns system (RMA): Administration > Global Settings > Return Requests (tab)

+ Cancel orders  (YES, from what I saw in screenshots yesterday)

+Quick shipping estimate on basket page
Yes, enable via: Administration > Configuration > Shipping > Shipping Settings > setting: "Estimate shipping enabled:" and demo at: (add product to cart first)

+ Flat rate shipping - all orders $9.95 shipping
Yes, also allows rates for different shipping methods (Air, Ground, etc.): Administration > Configuration > Shipping > Shipping Rate Computation > Fixed Rate Shipping

+Shopper can Opt-in and Opt-out of email notifications and mailing lists
Yes, via customers My Account page (setting: "I would like to receive newsletters:") & "Subscribe to newsletters" box on home page

+Data encryption - sensitive account data is encrypted within the database
Credit Card information is encrypted in database when using "Manual Processing" payment method

+ Ability to  Edit orders (either shopper or customer service person)
Yes, from order details page: Administration > Sales > Orders

Full product catalog search (category, descriptions, price, manufacturer, keyword)
Front-end has advanced search (, check "Advanced search") to search by category, manufacturer, price range, and in descriptions for keywords

Partial fill orders (fulfill a partial order when some products are out of stock)

Automatic customer email notification of order status
Yes, see: Administration > Content Management > Templates > Message templates

Order-specific coupons
Yes, Discounts (coupons) can be created as one time use: Administration > Promotions > Discounts

Calculate Shipping By Fixed Item Shipping Costs
Yes, you can set fixed rated shipping to zero and specify shipping charges (setting: "Additional shipping charge:") per variant

Handling fees (ex: add on $2.00 to each order or 10%)
Many shipping computation methods can add an additional fee (fixed amount)

Browser popularity statistics (can be through Google Analytics)
Google Analytics support: Administration > Configuration > Global Settings > Google Analytics (tab)

Visitor reports (number of visitor, return visitor, conversions, etc)
You can view current visitors to your store: Administration > Customers > Online Customers, and you can view their current shopping carts: Administration > Sales > Current Shopping Carts

Site usage statistics

Security logging tracking many aspects of site usage
Yes, see: Administration > Configuration > Activity Log. You can manage activity types and view the log

Password policy for customers - enforce password policies

Shopping cart aging settings


The answers refer to version 1.90. There are demos available of the front-end and admin panel and a feature list. Note that changes in the admin panel don't reflect in the demo front-end.

13 năm cách đây
hanseric wrote:
I see there are some folks viewing this post but not answering.  In case the list is just too long, I'm breaking it up a bit here.  I also clarified some of them.

Answer these first if you have limited time

+Category can be assigned unique images
+User definable category sort order (able to manually determine which categories show first in navigation)
+Feature the top selling products
+Print shipping labels and book shipments (UPS, FedEx - auto record tracking numbers)
+Process exchanges
+ Cancel orders  (YES, from what I saw in screenshots yesterday)
+Quick shipping estimate on basket page
+ Flat rate shipping - all orders $9.95 shipping
+Shopper can Opt-in and Opt-out of email notifications and mailing lists
+Data encryption - sensitive account data is encrypted within the database
+ Ability to  Edit orders (either shopper or customer service person)

Would also like to know if these features are available

Full product catalog search (category, descriptions, price, manufacturer, keyword)
Partial fill orders (fulfill a partial order when some products are out of stock)
Automatic customer email notification of order status
Order-specific coupons
Calculate Shipping By Fixed Item Shipping Costs
Handling fees (ex: add on $2.00 to each order or 10%)
Browser popularity statistics (can be through Google Analytics)
Visitor reports (number of visitor, return visitor, conversions, etc)
Site usage statistics
Security logging tracking many aspects of site usage
Password policy for customers - enforce password policies
Shopping cart aging settings

I will try to answer you (in capitals, sorry) to the best of my knowledege.

+Category can be assigned unique images YES. IN DESCRIPTION YOU MIGHT INSERT IMAGES
+User definable category sort order (able to manually determine which categories show first in navigation) YES. USE DISPLAY ORDER
+Feature the top selling products YES
+Print shipping labels and book shipments (UPS, FedEx - auto record tracking numbers) YES
+Process exchanges
+ Cancel orders  (YES, from what I saw in screenshots yesterday)
+Quick shipping estimate on basket page YES
+ Flat rate shipping - all orders $9.95 shipping YES
+Shopper can Opt-in and Opt-out of email notifications and mailing lists YES
+Data encryption - sensitive account data is encrypted within the database YES FOR CREDIT CARD INFO IF YOU ARE PROCESSING CARDS MANUALLY
+ Ability to  Edit orders (either shopper or customer service person) I THINK NO

Would also like to know if these features are available

Full product catalog search (category, descriptions, price, manufacturer, keyword) YES
Partial fill orders (fulfill a partial order when some products are out of stock)
Automatic customer email notification of order status YES
Order-specific coupons
Calculate Shipping By Fixed Item Shipping Costs
Handling fees (ex: add on $2.00 to each order or 10%)  FIXED $ YES WITH ORDER ATTRIBUTES
Browser popularity statistics (can be through Google Analytics) YES
Visitor reports (number of visitor, return visitor, conversions, etc) YES
Site usage statistics
Security logging tracking many aspects of site usage SOME
Password policy for customers - enforce password policies
Shopping cart aging settings

I suggest you to buy documentation and try shop and admin demos
13 năm cách đây
Thanks for the replies so far.  :)
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