Help with replacing a category link in navigation menu with link to custom page

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13 năm cách đây

Currently my navigation renders a list of parent catgeories read from the DB which i presume is default functionality in the header menu .ascx and ascx.cs files.

at the moment i cant work out how to display 0 products on a parent category page, even if i remove the products from the main category, the sub cateory products are displayed on that page, setting page size to 0 doesnt seem to work either

as a work around,

what i would like to do is replace one of the parent category links in the navigation menu with a link to a custom content page so which can act as an entry point to the sub categories

im not sure how to stop one category being rendered in my navigation menu by the this code,

<%=Menu_Category%> this renders the list (all parent categories) ih headermenu.ascx

Does anyone if the category links are stored in the database anywhere? as another way i could do this change the link if it its stored on the DB?

Many thanks any advice is appreciated.

13 năm cách đây
Hi Liam, I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what you want to achieve by removing one parent category from the list

but the categories are generated by the codebehind of categoryNavigation.ascx  using the id of category as found in table  nop_catagories

if you could explain again the final outcome of what you want, maybe i can help further ?
13 năm cách đây
Hi Haydie

Thanks for offering to help this is what im trying to achieve

I have a section on my site that sells rhinestones, i have different types of rhinetsones

Austrian Rhinestones
Chinese Rhinestones

So i currently have

Rhinestones (parent)
Chinese (sub)
Austrian (sub)

However as the parent page (rhinestones) displays sub category products it was becoming quite cluttered with austrian and chinese being mixed together

therefore when a user clicks on the rhinestones link in the menu i would like them to go to a page with information about the different types of rhinestone and links in to Austrian and Chinese sub categories, you can see my attempts to achieve this at

however as its a category page it has to display at least 1 product which i dont want, i just simply need a page with information and links to the sub categories.

To acheive this i either need one of the following

The rhinestones link in the navigation menu to go to the rhinestones category page with no products on (setting page size to 0 doesnt work)


The rhinestones link in my navigation to go to a custom page and not the rhinestones category page, and therefore the link to the rhinestones category has to be removed or ammended somehow?

Hope this makes things clearer and thanks again any advice you can offer will be appreciated.

13 năm cách đây
Hi Liam,

your're not tied to having a product in your category - you should be able to edit the 'rhinestones' category and remove all the products from it ( and the price filter information ) - just leave it as page with two links to the subcategories you want - should look just like it does now but with no products listed

just go to the rhinestones category page in admin , click the 'products' tab, untick the two rhinestone products and save

- hayden
13 năm cách đây
Thanks Hayden but Ive already tried that, ive deleted all products from the rhinestones category but the rhinestones page still shows the products in two the sub categories Austrian and Chinese the query must return all products in associated sub categories.

Thanks again.
13 năm cách đây
watto_uk wrote:
the rhinestones page still shows the products in two the sub categories Austrian and Chinese the query must return all products in associated sub categories.

That's not the normal behaviour of the cart - did you change the stored procedure or something else ?
13 năm cách đây
Hi Haydie

Sorry for my late response ive just returned from a vacation. Thanks for getting back to me, i havent changed any stored procedures so not sure why this is happening if its not default behaviour,

however i did start my site with the ajax theme from so maybe the functionality has been changed as part of the theme, any ideas on where i should start looking to change this behaviour?

Many thanks

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