about Check Out page

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13 năm cách đây

In CheckOutConfirm.ascx.cs I can use NopContext.Current.User to access billing and shipping information but I'm not able to see any data regarding Item(s), SKU, Qty and etc.

Where can I access these data in this module?

   paymentInfo.BillingAddress = NopContext.Current.User.BillingAddress;
   paymentInfo.ShippingAddress = NopContext.Current.User.ShippingAddress;

Any comment is appreciated.

13 năm cách đây

you can use
IoC.Resolve<IShoppingCartService>().GetCustomerShoppingCart(customerId, ShoppingCartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart);

where you can obtain the customer id from NopContext.Current.User .

Thus you will have all items in customer`s shopping cart and retrieve whatever information you need.

Hope that helps.
13 năm cách đây
May I ask what is Ioc.Resolve?

Also, can you please give me more details on how and where to use it?

13 năm cách đây
It seams others may be looking at this ?
See https://www.nopcommerce.com/boards/t/8005/how-to-use-iocresolve-from-wcf.aspx
13 năm cách đây

I checked that out but the discussion doesn't get to any results or any solution! it is an unanswered question yet.
Everybody keeps talking about IoC.Resolve() but nobody explains what it is or how it could be used.

There MUST be a way to access session information on the last page of checkout before confirm is clicked.

Still looking for answers ...
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