Display PO number on Order Details view

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13 năm cách đây
Is there any way I can have my customer's Order Details page actually show the PO number they used during checkout, rather than just saying "Payment Method Purchase Order" ?

Thank you, in advance, for any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions,
13 năm cách đây
Hiya you have to change the code to display other values like PO Number for the user.
Look at and change the module associated with http://website.com/orderdetails.aspx
13 năm cách đây
OrderDetails.aspx is NOT where the actual code is for displaying the invoice data.
It is in Modules\OrderDetails.ascx

I updated the code in Modules\OrderDetails.ascx & Modules\OrderDetails.ascx.cs.
Modules\OrderDetails.ascx states, within the control tag that CodeBehind="OrderDetails.ascx.cs"

The changes I made seemed to have no effect.
I deleted the Modules\OderDetails.ascx.cs file off of my server completely, yet everything on the site is working fine.
Does this mean that all of the code within all the *.cs files in the Modules folder are all ignored?
13 năm cách đây
Answered my own question.
Although I wish that I didn’t have to edit the source to be able to make the PO number visible for customers reviewing their past orders, thank you, NopCommerce team, for ever so kindly making available a download including the source.
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