Installing latest NopCommerce on Godaddy Hosting account

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13 năm cách đây
haydie wrote:

I'm sure I read another post that said go daddy are not yet providing support for .NET 4.0  (nopCommerce changed to .NET 4.0 with version 1.7 )

If this is so, and if you are prepared to play the waiting game with godady, you will then need to revert back to v1.6

though I think your best option is to find a hosting company who supports .NET 4.0 eg Softsys

Hi haydie,

It is true that Godaddy does support .Net 4.0 and SQL Server 2008 R2; however, they do not offer the installation platform for NopCommerce above 1.6.

For those of us using Godaddy, it is absoulutely possible to install NC 1.9 by over-righting the old version with the new, and making the correct adjustments in the site as necessary.

It is a pain, but I've been through the exercise several times successfully, and attempted to document it.

Unfortunately it is not all that simple, and quite difficult to trouble-shoot remotely.
13 năm cách đây
Great News!

I had a place holder site setup until I could get my e-commerce site ready.  Then found that 1.9 is not supported by GoDaddy which led me to this thread.

Long story made short, here are the steps I took to get 1.9 running without having to use 1.6 as a stepping stone.

1. Using SQL Server 2008 I used the Tasks, Generate Scripts option and made sure to check Constraints, Defaults, Data, Primary Keys, etc...  then ran those scripts (over 14k lines) on my GoDaddy database.

2. Updated my connection string in the connectionstrings.config file to my GoDaddy database

3. Remove (if exists) this section from the web config because it is trying to add a value that is already set at the IIS level:
                <add value="default.aspx" />

4. Went into the File Manager in the Hosting section of the Control Panel on GoDaddy's site, checked the Images directory, clicked the Permissions icon at the top, unchecked Inherit, checked Read, checked Write, checked Reset all children to inherit, then clicked ok.

The site is up and running.  Now the real work continues!!

Check it out if you would like:

Special thanks to Andrea at GoDaddy!

13 năm cách đây
Haydie; Gary7101;

Just thought I'd let you know that I took the path of least resistance.  I moved the site to Softsys.  Thanx for all your help.
13 năm cách đây
azmrtwo wrote:
Great News!

I had a place holder site setup until I could get my e-commerce site ready.  Then found that 1.9 is not supported by GoDaddy which led me to this thread.

Long story made short, here are the steps I took to get 1.9 running without having to use 1.6 as a stepping stone.

1. Using SQL Server 2008 I used the Tasks, Generate Scripts option and made sure to check Constraints, Defaults, Data, Primary Keys, etc...  then ran those scripts (over 14k lines) on my GoDaddy database.

2. Updated my connection string in the connectionstrings.config file to my GoDaddy database

3. Remove (if exists) this section from the web config because it is trying to add a value that is already set at the IIS level:
                <add value="default.aspx" />

4. Went into the File Manager in the Hosting section of the Control Panel on GoDaddy's site, checked the Images directory, clicked the Permissions icon at the top, unchecked Inherit, checked Read, checked Write, checked Reset all children to inherit, then clicked ok.

The site is up and running.  Now the real work continues!!

Check it out if you would like:

Special thanks to Andrea at GoDaddy!


Excellent! Thanks for the info, Mario!
13 năm cách đây
We just started using nop about a week ago and are with GoDaddy too.  We would love to upgrade to 1.9 but are a little hesitant to do so due to lack of skills to be honest.  Anyone willing to lend a hand or even to help walk us through over email or phone possible?  [email protected] if your interested.


Two clueless guys =)
Rob and Troy
13 năm cách đây
I may be able to help you in the evening or over a weekend.  

Another issue you will run into is the PDF generator used by nopCommerce does not support a less than full trust environment.  Unless you are paying for your own virtual server, it will not work.

I found an open source PDF generator and updated the source code for nopCommerce and the PDF generator and have it working now.  I will upload the source and instructions once I have cleaned it up and tested it a little more.

What time zone are you in and how soon do you need help?
13 năm cách đây
Oh thank you so much!  

We are in Eastern Standard Time so right now about 1:30pm, but we keep very odd hours and are available pretty much anytime.  So whenever is good for you would be great!  

The PDF aspect isn't a huge issue but would be nice to have.  Ill shoot you a PM now and we can discuss when is a good time =)

Thanks so much again!
13 năm cách đây
azmrtwo wrote:
I may be able to help you in the evening or over a weekend.  

Another issue you will run into is the PDF generator used by nopCommerce does not support a less than full trust environment.  Unless you are paying for your own virtual server, it will not work.

I found an open source PDF generator and updated the source code for nopCommerce and the PDF generator and have it working now.  I will upload the source and instructions once I have cleaned it up and tested it a little more.

What time zone are you in and how soon do you need help?

Hi asmrtwo,

I'd like to see your solution for this issue!

Thank you for the effort!
13 năm cách đây
Looks like lot of people are facing issues installing the latest version of NopCommerce on Godaddy.
I just completed the installation of v 1.9 on Godaddy and have documented the detailed steps here for other's benefit:

I did not face any issues with the installation. You can see the LIVE running installation pf NopCommerce v1.9 on Godaddy hosting here.

Let me know if you need any help or more information.
12 năm cách đây
anil21_22gupta wrote:
Looks like lot of people are facing issues installing the latest version of NopCommerce on Godaddy.
I just completed the installation of v 1.9 on Godaddy and have documented the detailed steps here for other's benefit:

I did not face any issues with the installation. You can see the LIVE running installation pf NopCommerce v1.9 on Godaddy hosting here.

Let me know if you need any help or more information.

Hello! This is my first post on NopCommerce, and I must say it is a VERY powerful tool if you have a lot of patience and time, and know how to research.  There is tons of great information on this forum, and I think you guys/gals are great that offer your time to lend a helping hand.  I would like to add to the solution offered above.  This was the route I ended up going, and it took many hours of my time but I finally managed to get Nopcommerce 1.9 installed on GoDaddy hosting.  I must also add that I agree with many of the individuals on this site about the poor hosting product that GoDaddy offers.  I ran into a problem publishing a SQL database from my local environment to GoDaddys SQL database, and the GoDaddy representative simply told me that what I was looking for didn't exist and was not available. Because I did not feel like arguing with him and did not know what I know now to be able to explain myself competently, I just kept on experimenting.  Hopefully this information will help someone out that struggled like I did.  To begin, I originally installed Nop 1.6 using GoDaddys hosting applications.  When this was installed, the end result was an extremely slow website.  I never figured out exactly what it was, so being the tenacious person I am, I aimed to install 1.9 for a client using GoDaddy.  I did not know what I was getting into!  To make this solution/story as short as possible, MY problem when trying to install 1.9 onto GoDaddy was trying to get writing permissions to GoDaddys hosting server, which most of us know is not possible. I used the solution above mine to first install Nop 1.9 to the local host, and then attempt to copy the SQL database Schema to GoDaddys database.  Here is where it gets tricky.  I had SQL 2008 R2 on local machine, and I also selected 2008 on GoDaddy.  To copy the database, I needed to use the Database Publishing Wizard, found in the Microsoft SQL Server Tools. If you need more details about what steps I followed,  you can look at the solution above or follow up to this post.  Now, my issue was that when you are using the Database Publishing Wizard (lets refer to it as DPW from here) is that it requires a "Web Server Address" to publish the database too.  I had trouble locating this link, and was very confused thinking it was my host name or SQL server host address.  This was incorrect.  In many tutorials I've found for installing NOP on GoDaddy, it tells you to get this Web Server Address for publishing the database in the "edit" section of the SQL Server section in the hosting control Panel. For those of you who are familiar, this section also contains the ConnectionString or Connection Strings for SQL and ODB, etc.  The link that I needed was for the Publishing Wizard.  I couldn't find this link to save my life!  The reason I couldn't find it is because GoDaddy does not provide this URL for SQL 2008!!!  After scratching my head looking for this information, I finally figured it out that it only showed this information for SQL 2005.  I switched database versions to 2005, and voila, it was there. The link is something like this.....https://p3*******  Now , I was just getting started.  I had created my Local site using SQL 2008, so now I felt I was back to square one.  However, I was wrong.  I downloaded Visual Studio Web Developer and used the Database explorer to convert my SQL 2008 database that I created to 2005 (target file). Once I did that, I was able to publish my database to GoDaddy with no errors!!! The moment of truth came when I manually edited my connection strings. YOU MUST DO THIS! Especially when starting from a local environment, because you will have something similar to SQLEXPRESS for the data source instead of your server from GoDaddy.  Once you update the connection string, and set your permissions for App Data, images, and all their children (inherit), You should now be close to having a fully functioning NoPCommerce installation on GoDaddy, 1.9!!!  If you have any questions about what I did, please let me know and I'll run down what I did.  I'm in a hurry typing this,  so I apologize if this is convoluted. Don't give up, it can be done, and without all the steps that some people are going through to get this to work. It's very simple, believe it or not way more simple starting locally.
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