Case sensitive problem in file names

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13 năm cách đây
Hi everybody! I am having problems after my installation, the main page are showing correct, the problem begins when i try to go to another page by clicking on a link, the page name from the link are in lowercase but all the file in the web server begins with an uppercase so it does not find the file:

Example: /ContactUs.aspx  is the filename and the link goes /contactus.aspx   so the server can't find the file.

I made a test changing the filename directly from the URL and in this case the page are showing correct.

Does anyone have an idea whats is going on??? I think it could be from the server configuration but i don't access to manipulate it 'cause is a shared hosting.

Thanks in advance!
13 năm cách đây
Hi, i have found the answear, the problem was solved by adding a line to the .htaccess file in the public folder, i had to add this:

CaseInsensitive On

The hosting provider that i am with use Case Sensitive on their configuration servers, so this is the way to solve the problem.

After doing this i had another problem with some URL but i solved this by disable  "URL rewriting" on the administration panel, to be honestly i don't know what is this for really well, i think is for SEO purpose but i'm not sure.

Hope it helps any of you!
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