Integrate 3D model to nopCommerce.

7 tháng cách đây
Integrating 3D models into nopCommerce is a little tricky.
The 3D model was working perfectly at the .netcore web project but not working at the nopCommerce plugin. It took a long time to figure out the issue. The below codes are needed to use for showing 3D models in the concrete class of the INopStartup.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder application)
    new StaticFileOptions
        ServeUnknownFileTypes = true,
        DefaultContentType = "text/plane"

The js hierarchy
NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/Plugins/Payments.PayPalStandard/Content/appscripts/appscripts.js", excludeFromBundle: true);
NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/Plugins/Payments.PayPalStandard/Content/lib/threejs/OrbitControls.js", excludeFromBundle: true);
NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/Plugins/Payments.PayPalStandard/Content/lib/threejs/OBJLoader.js", excludeFromBundle: true);
NopHtml.AppendScriptParts(ResourceLocation.Footer, "~/Plugins/Payments.PayPalStandard/Content/lib/threejs/three.min.js", excludeFromBundle: true);

The output
7 tháng cách đây
I had a similar challenge for a BabylonJS integration I built.  They use .glb model files, so I came up with this targeted approach for my plugin to solve the 404 issue:

        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder application)
            // Add support for serving up .glb 3D model file types
            var fileProvider = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<INopFileProvider>();
            var provider = new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider
                Mappings = { [".glb"] = "model/gltf-binary" }
            application.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
                FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(fileProvider.GetAbsolutePath("files/product3dassets")),
                RequestPath = "/files/product3dassets",
                ContentTypeProvider = provider