NopCommerce latest version

7 tháng cách đây
Dear Friends,

What are the main advantages of the latest nopeCommerce version compared to Nope nopeCommerce  4.40.3 ?

what is the cost of the to move from nopeCommerce 4.40.3 to the latest nopeCommerce version?

7 tháng cách đây
mubaader wrote:
Dear Friends,
What are the main advantages of the latest nopeCommerce version compared to Nope nopeCommerce  4.40.3 ?

1. there will be get 30-40% performance improvement
2. Lots of bug fixes
You can check the release notes from here

mubaader wrote:
Dear Friends,
what is the cost of the to move from nopeCommerce 4.40.3 to the latest nopeCommerce version?

The duration for the migration largely hinges on the extent of custom plugins in use. If you're working with the standard nopCommerce setup, migrating should typically be achievable within a single day.

7 tháng cách đây
Thank you for response.

How much the cost will be for immigration approximately?

7 tháng cách đây
As mentioned above, it will depend on whether any customizations were done, and what 3rd party plugins you use.   If you really need quotes for the work, then it would be best to post a new topic in the Commercial Help Wanted forum.