UPS branch plugin for 4.60.6

1 tháng cách đây

Has nopcommerce created UPS plugin for 4.60.6? Is so can someone point me to the GitHub link?

1 tháng cách đây
I might be wrong but probably unlikely they will update and release a new v4.6
The source code changes are here
You can make them or someone else may update and post an updated version for 4.6

1 tháng cách đây
NopAdvance has modified the UPS plugin for 4.70 to work in 4.60 with OAuth.  You can get it through the marketplace (which redirects to their site):

(Their No Source version is free.  They charge for the source version.  I can provide source no charge if needed as I did a conversion myself when I did the UPS plugin beta testing for the team a couple of months ago before 4.70 was released.  PM me if needed.)
1 tháng cách đây
I did PM you. Can you share the no source code version of the Plugin for 4.6?