Sending emails with Microsoft Nop 4.70

3 tuần cách đây

has anyone already set up an email address from Microsoft with Aith2.0?
I always get an error. I have registered the application and I have set up Auth. Smtp.
What is the return URL? Is it the one that is displayed? In NopCommerce it says that it is for Google.
The following is stated on the Microsoft website:
Examples: is displayed as is displayed as
nopCommerce Version 4.70

Best regards
3 tuần cách đây
Hi! Yes, the redirect URI is used for google. In the next version we will separate these hints (#7158). Try to check info in comments to this work item, it might be useful #7031
3 tuần cách đây

I have now managed to set up Microsoft Smtp Auth 2.0. If you need help, send a PM.
Not an easy installation.

Best regards