The type or namespace name 'RouteDebugger' does not exist in the namespace 'RouteDebug'

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12 years ago

I must be missing something when trying to enable route debugging. I uncommented the following code residing in Global.asax.cs:


But, I get the following compile error:

The type or namespace name 'RouteDebugger' does not exist in the namespace 'RouteDebug'

I checked that RouteDebugger exists as a reference under Nop.Web. When I checked RouteDebugger.dll (V2.0.0.7) under object explorer I noticed it did not have the static method RouteDebugger under the RouteDebug namespce.

I've checked this for both nopCommerce 2.20 and 2.30 and even downloaded the latest version of RouteDebugger.dll.

What am I doing wrong? I need this utility to help me with a plugin I'm creating.

12 years ago
1. Open \Web.config file (Nop.Web project)
2. Find 'RouteDebugger:Enabled' setting
3. Set its value to 'true'
12 years ago

Yes, I've done that.

The config setting change would not cause a compile error?

Did you read my post regarding the object browser not showing the static method RouteDebugger?

I think this is where the real problem is, but I can't figure it out.

12 years ago
Yes, I did. "RouteDebug.RouteDebugger.RewriteRoutesForTesting(RouteTable.Routes);" code is outdated. Just apply the changes that you suggested in the previous post if you want to enable route debugging. Do not make any changes to Global.asax
12 years ago

Thanks. That worked.

I get Javascript errors for each page request.

But, if I ignore them, at least I get the routing information.

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