Adding Terms and Conditions Section

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12 years ago
I would like to add a terms and conditions to the Information section of the web site, but I don't know how. Could anyone help please>
12 years ago
Admin Panel

Content Management>Topics>ConditionsofUse
12 years ago
Is there any way I could change the title of that in the Information section.  It has to be called Terms and Conditions according to my lawyer.
12 years ago
Content Management>Localozation

and search for ConditionsOfUse or any other text you want to change.
12 years ago
Is there any to have a link to the terms and conditions on every page.  I am told this is a regulation in Ireland.
12 years ago
When I click on a product, the informations section on the left column goes away.  Is there any way to keep it there?
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