- new hotel reservation done with nopcommerce

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14 years ago
Yes i have to replace it with some issues reported from different users. they find some inability access. till i clarify this issue i have replaced it with another CMS. probably i will have to upgrade to new version.

Sorry for inconvenience.
14 years ago
Chinthaka nice website I like it very much. Hope we can share some ideas and stuff in the fuutre

Best Regards

Travel Atlantic
14 years ago
I'm interested in this reservation feature too,
how do you send that information to the hotel?
13 years ago
fgary6861 wrote:

great job on this. one question, how do you know if you have availability to be able to sell the hotel room? Are you checking an availability file or just taking the reservation? what if the client books it and it isnt available?

I am working on a similar application and was curious how you handle this. My application is for a the actual property so I have to know if I can give that room or not.....


Hi,Thanks a lot chintaka ,
For fgary6861,I think you need to add two new colms Datetime (Arrival,Depature) to nop_productvariant table .
Simply,when you add rooms, quntity colum of pv tabale will be number of available rooms.
Now,using the excellent work of chintaka ,we can let sd as Arrival & ed as Depature,
you also need to modify the search sp to include a join for both dates.

I hope this is useful for you.
13 years ago
lestersd wrote:
Hi chintaka,

I'am evaluating nopCommerce to implement an online booking system for a travel agency. That should include hotels booking as well private houses. Holidays and Tour packages should be also an option.

The problem arise at the price calculation, because the final price depends on persons amount, nights, and other relative conditions as dates. Do you have a workaround for that problem?

Best regards and good luck with

hi,I think you can handel number of persons,number of rooms ,acommendition ..etc the same way as "Build your PC" model

Don't forget to set ( Auto update price ) to true @ admin panel.

If you already tryed this way & found some defects ,plesae let me know
13 years ago
Hi chintaka,

what do you think about both of my above suggestions as I .m working on a similar project.
13 years ago
[email protected] wrote:
I'm interested in this reservation feature too,
how do you send that information to the hotel?

I think that first of all ,there is a deal between the site owner & the hotel ,so once payment is confirmed,
you will send three mails (one for Admin,one for customer,one for hotel )
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