One page checkout

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12 years ago
1) I need to ask a question that is, is one page checkout given in nopcommerce 2.0,it was given in previous versions,but is not given in general settings of store information...

2) Why to use cshtml instead of aspx from or ascx.???

Reply soon

Thank you.
12 years ago
1) nopCommerce 2 is still in BETA

2) use cshtml because nopCommerce use Razor Syntax.
12 years ago
Is this available in the final release? Can't seem to find it.

I did find the setting in the DB, but when I enable it the page only shows:
UNDONE OnePageCheckout

Guess is it not implemented yet. Can you guide me through the steps of how to implement this myself?


I'm in the process of evaluating nopCommerce, so far it seems like a great product. Compliments to you guys!


12 years ago

No. One-page checkout will be available in version 2.20
12 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply.

I can get over that by customizing the process, so that's not a big deal.


12 years ago
Hi Andrei;

Is One-Page checkout available in the version 2.5?

12 years ago
Yep it is.
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