Hello everyone,
This is my first post on the forums but I have been using nopCommerce for awhile and really enjoy working with the application. A big thanks to the developers! Here is my question..

We have many motorcycle parts/gear for sale on our site, however we also need to have a microfiche on the site which contains all of the individual parts for motorcycles based on their year and model. We found a solution with HLSM, an all-in-one microfiche resource which lets us embed their microfiche applet on our site so we don't have to manually enter 1,000's of products individually.

There are two methods available to transfer parts information to the cart:
The first is using a form post with hidden objects.  The form uses Java to automatically process the form when loaded.  If Java is disabled, the user will have a submit button to push.

The second is using a querystring. The information is passed in that manner.

The problem I face now is that I need to be able to add products from their applet into my cart using what I would assume to be a CGI script on the page that processes the form.

I noticed that when the 'Add to Cart' button is clicked, the javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions() method is called.

The form will have the following objects:

hlsmorder    This is a numeric number used in the HLSM system
qty_x          The Qty ordered of a part number
partnum_x          The Part Number being ordered
hlsm_desc_x  The description of the part being ordered.
make_x          The make of the unit being ordered.  See list below
hlsm_price_x  The sale price of the item being ordered.
Express          This is set to “yes”. Can be used as a check.
hlsm_year_x  This is the year of unit they order this part for
hlsm_make_x  This is the make of the unit they ordered the part for
hlsm_cat_x  This is the category of the unit they ordered the part for
hlsm_model_x  This is the model of the unit they ordered the part for

Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!