I've just been playing around with the Fixed Price Shipping By Country extension and need to upgrade it to Nop 1.3 from 1.2, which meant adding the GetFixedRate method.

I thought it would be a good idea to return the cheapest shipping rate which I worked out as follows:

            string error = null;
            ShippingOptionCollection options = GetShippingOptions(ShipmentPackage, ref error);

            if (error != null || options.Count == 0)
                return null;

            return options.Min(option => option.Rate);

However this only works when the shipping address has been set - so I would like to request that customers can set a default shipping address which will be used by all checkouts for that user unless they change it.

Something along the lines of :
ShipmentPackage.ShippingAddress = ShipmentPackage.Customer.ShippingAddresses[0];

It would also be useful to set a default country & state for anonymous customers.