Slow operation placing order

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12 years ago

I'm using 2.1 version of NopCommerce and when customers placing orders, the operation of inserting records is very slow. Maybe there's some database index problems?

Orders table have just 900 orders, is not so big to have this kind of heavy work.

Thanks, Domenico.
12 years ago
This issue has been fixed in 2.20. See changeset f1285e896f42
12 years ago
I've implemented that fix, but the insert order operation is very slow.

In OrderProcessingService.cs the method PlaceOrder need some second to complete that line:


There're other issue?

12 years ago
There were a lot of other enhancements related to performance and order placement. Please try 2.20 (not just applying these two changesets)
12 years ago
Andrey, unfortunately I can't upgrade, because I did some personalization to 2.1.

Can you tell me if there're some fix relative to performance I can do on 2.1?

12 years ago
You can look over all the changesets related to performance optimization between September 3rd and October 14th and apply the ones you want
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