Please anybody tell how integration of sagepay server with 1.9 as same module are available for 1.8 and 2.10 versions. I tried to use code available for 1.8 version using following steps:

1.  SagePayServer source code
·  Copy the Nop.Payment.SagepayServer folder into the ‘Payment’ folder of your nopCommerce project, and add into your Visual Studio solution.
2.  OrderManager.cs
·  Insert the two methods ‘UpdateOrder’ and ‘MarkOrderAsPaid’ into the existing OrderManager.cs – to be found in Nop.BusinessLogic/Orders.
·  These methods are used to log the details of the payment
3.  CheckoutCompleted.ascx.cs
·  This replacement version of CheckoutCompleted.ascx.cs tests the order status and puts the ordered products back into the cart if the order became Cancelled, which it will when the card is declined by SagePay.
4.  SagePaySuccess.aspx.cs
·  The replacement version of SagePaySuccess.aspx.cs has been extended for use with both Server and Form integration to SagePay.
·  If payment is not made, the order becomes cancelled.
·  If payment is not made due to a timeout – i.e. the SagePay server returns ‘ABORT’, the order is copied back into the Cart. (see also CheckoutCompleted.ascx.cs)
5.  Compile!
6.  Update configuration settings:
i.  Configuration->Payments->Payment methods: “SagePay”.
·  Set the ‘Class name:’ to be:
NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Payment.Methods.SagePayServer.SagePayServerPaymentProcessor, Nop.Payment.SagePayServer.


NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Payment.Methods.SagePay.SagePayPaymentProcessor, Nop.Payment.SagePay
·  The other settings for the SagePay payment method will also need to be completed as per your own requirements.
ii.  Configuration->All Settings
·  Add new setting with Name = “PaymentMethod.SagePay.ServerMode”.
·  Value = SIMULATOR
·  Description = “'LIVE', 'TEST' or 'SIMULATOR'. (Assumes SIMULATOR if not set.)”

I got error while loading payment methods in shopping cart:

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: type

Source Error:

Line 533:            if (paymentMethod == null)
Line 534:                return decimal.Zero;
Line 535:            var iPaymentMethod = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(paymentMethod.ClassName)) as IPaymentMethod;
Line 536:
Line 537:            decimal result = iPaymentMethod.GetAdditionalHandlingFee();

Source File: D:\NOPCOM\TILLYTOTDESIGNS\TillyTotDesigns\Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Payment\PaymentService.cs    Line: 535