We've developed a Buckaroo payment provider module for the community.

The source code of this plugin can be found at http://nopcommercebuckaroo.codeplex.com. An installable version can be found in the downloads > extensions >payment modules section. This version is tested on nopCommerce 2.20 but will probably run fine on 2.10 as well.

Our Buckaroo plugin supports the following Buckaroo payment methods:

- Bank transfer
- Betaal Garant (Payment in arrears)
- Cashticket
- Creditcard
- Direct debit
- Gift cards
- Giropay
- Online giro
- Paypal
- Pay per email
- Paysafecard

A Buckaroo account is required in order to use this plugin. Please contact Buckaroo ( http://www.buckaroo.nl ) and request a Buckaroo account before installing this plugin. Please consult Buckaroo for details of the different payment methods.