how to populate Filtered Items in dropdownlist instead of table

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12 years ago
Does anyone has done something similar to the question , Currently the filter specifications is populated in table with the items using for each , below is the code :
@model CatalogPagingFilteringModel.SpecificationFilterModel
         var renderedAttributeNames = new List<string>();
       <div class="product-spec-filter">
       @* <div class="title">
        @*<div class="clear">
        @if (Model.NotFilteredItems.Count > 0)
                <table class="filter">
                    @foreach (var item in Model.NotFilteredItems)
                        if (!renderedAttributeNames.Contains(item.SpecificationAttributeName))
                            <tr class="group">
                        <tr class="item">
                                **<a href="@item.FilterUrl">@item.SpecificationAttributeOptionName</a>**
        @if (Model.AlreadyFilteredItems.Count > 0)
                <div class="title">
                <table class="filter">
                    @foreach (var item in Model.AlreadyFilteredItems)
                        <tr class="filtereditem">
                                <b>@(item.SpecificationAttributeName):</b> @item.SpecificationAttributeOptionName
            <div class="remove-filter">
                <a href="@Model.RemoveFilterUrl" class="remove-product-spec-filter">@T("Filtering.SpecificationFilter.Remove")</a>
How can we get a populated dropdownlist of filtered attributes instead of a list as i have got too many specification attributes. any ideas?
12 years ago
Have a look at Nop Ajax Filters
12 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Have a look at Nop Ajax Filters

The Ajax filter product is great but I am not willing to pay 80 quid for one license as my client is not looking for too much filtration its just one specification he wants to filter with. I have tried this :
@if (Model.NotFilteredItems.Count > 0)
            @Html.DropDownList("NotFilteredItem", new SelectList(Model.NotFilteredItems, "SpecificationAttributeName", "SpecificationAttributeName"))

Which actually populates the dropdown list with the attributes but the filteration does not works , you can see live example on

Any suggestions ...
12 years ago
We need this too.
We purchased the filters but found that the core engine was locked into a dll and we need more access.
We limit searches at a category level so we control what attributes are used as we have too many.
We can't make it work.

Multiple attribute level searching is much needed or at least a guide to how to do it in 2.3.
We have burnt days on this and are no closer.


Any chance of a guide that states ..

If you have a list of filter attributes on the left and what to refresh the partialview (not the whole page), this is how you do it..
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