include price in related product box

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12 years ago
What I'm dong wrong with price in related products box if I do like this:

@Html.Partial("_ProductPrice", item.ProductPrice)
price is not shown in the box.

Any suggestions? Thanks.
12 years ago
ProductPrice property is empty for related products by default. Follow the next steps:
1. Open \Presentation\Nop.Web\Controllers\CatalogController.cs file
2. Find RelatedProducts method
3. Replace
var model = products.Select(x => PrepareProductOverviewModel(x, false, true, productThumbPictureSize)).ToList();

var model = products.Select(x => PrepareProductOverviewModel(x, true, true, productThumbPictureSize)).ToList();
12 years ago
12 years ago
Very good but a little problem: after the modification I see both old price and new price without difference  ..  

Any help\suggestion to solve this issue?

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