no login page and no registration page after clicking on register or login

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14 years ago
How do I fix this problem?

Version 1.2, new install.
14 years ago
Is your site live? IF yes can you please provide me with its URL?
14 years ago
Strangest thing I checked the site this morning and everything works fine.  I noticed earlier in the day yesterday that  some of my live web sites were down and were spitting out database errors.  Everything appeared to start working all at once as far as my other sites that depended on MS SQL, which was several of them. I guess the SQL server at my Web Hosting company has a case of the hiccups.  Currently all SQL dependent web sites are working fine.

Stranger still I have a couple of installs of nopCommerce and only one of them was down and all other web sites were also up and going at the time of this mysterious login problem.  So I do not have a clue of what is going on.  

My web-hosting provider is Go-Daddy or as my business partner calls them No-Daddy.
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