
I have downloaded v2.4 source code and getting error while compilating following project: Nop.Data.Tests under "Tests" Folder.

Here is the fix:
1-Right click go to property of this project.
2-Under Build Event tab, Edit Post Event command line to

if not exist "$(TargetDir)x86" md "$(TargetDir)x86"
start /MIN xcopy /s /y "$(SolutionDir)packages\SqlServerCompact.4.0.8482.1\NativeBinaries\x86\*.*" "$(TargetDir)x86"
if not exist "$(TargetDir)amd64" md "$(TargetDir)amd64"
start /MIN xcopy /s /y "$(SolutionDir)packages\SqlServerCompact.4.0.8482.1\NativeBinaries\amd64\*.*" "$(TargetDir)amd64"

In original command syntax start /MIN is missing before xcopy /s /y

Hope this helps.

Abdul Quddos