According to the documentation, you can't deploy a website using VS2010's publishing feature.  This is really a drag since most developers would like to make changes on their dev boxes and update their site without having to go through all the steps in moving the code and the database.  This makes it very hard to keep your code in synch with what's on the server.  The facilities for doing this already exist and they work really well.  Why the change?  Is there a way to make it standard?  I'm willing to put in the effort to make my life easier when I have to update the site later.

On a slightly related note, why is the db connection string located in a settings.txt file under the App_Data folder?  What's the purpose of changing the standard convention of storing the connection string?  Couldn't you have at least used database.config or something more obvious?  Microsoft has put in a lot of work in creating these standards and most of the time they work well--exceptionally well.  If you follow the conventions then there will be less of a need for documentation.  I spent 30 minutes in my life that I will never get back because of this decision.  Please have a good reason for this.

Sorry for my rant, but the purpose of open source should be to provide excellence not free stuff that contributes to what Jaron Lanier calls the endless "digital muck."  I happened to pick this platform because it is the only one out there that's using MVC and I don't want to use yucky scripting languages like PHP.  There are only a handful of commercial packages out there and they are so bad that open source can't be any worse.

If you're going to compete or put them out of business, do the best job possible, otherwise you're just adding to the digital muck that destroys the .NET platform.  Commercial software companies with good ideas won't enter the market because there's a freebee that's "good enough."  Meanwhile, Java and PHP become more compelling platforms because they have more "digital muck" than available on .NET.  You have the power in your hands to save the .NET platform from extinction or propel it towards its decline.