I have created a plugin and added a telerik grid. This plugin is integrated in admin section under product variant. Its working fine and view of plugin is loaded successfully but when I click on "Add New" button it is throwing and script error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Unable to get value of the property 'select': object is null or undefined"

Here is my code for telerik grid.

                    .DataBinding(dataBinding =>
                            .Select("ProductVariantCountryList", "CountrySpecificPricing", new { productVariantId = Model.ProductVariantId })
                            .Insert("ProductVariantCountrySpecificPriceInsert", "CountrySpecificPricing", new { productVariantId = Model.ProductVariantId })
                            .Update("ProductVariantCountryUpdate", "CountrySpecificPricing")
                            .Delete("ProductVariantCountryDelete", "CountrySpecificPricing");
                    .Columns(columns =>
                        columns.Bound(x => x.Country);
                        columns.Bound(x => x.CurrencyID);
                        columns.Bound(x => x.Price);
                        columns.Bound(x => x.OldPrice);
                        columns.Command(commands =>
                    .ToolBar(commands => commands.Insert())
                    .ClientEvents(events => events.OnEdit("onProductVariantCountryEdit"))                    
               <script type="text/javascript">
                   function onProductVariantCountryEdit(e) {
                       $(e.form).find('#Country').data('tDropDownList').select(function (dataItem) {
                           return dataItem.Value == e.dataItem['CountryID'];

I have created a template with name "ProductVariantCountry" under "Views\[ControllerName]folder\EditorTemplates" and also added "UIHint" attribute on property Country in my model.
I am new to MVC razor and if I am doing anything wrong please let me know. Please provide me required details to resolve this issue.

One more thing, I added a reference of Telerik.Web.Mvc.dll file in my plugin project and also added the namespace in web.config file (under Views folder) but after adding @using Telerik.Web.Mvc in my view, intelligences is not working. Please help me. Thanks in advance.