Speed Concern 2.5

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12 years ago
I have recently installed nop 2.5 on my server and I am getting some slow first page load times, around 11 seconds(used to be 7-8 on 2.4 with plugins installed)

Anybody else having problems?  

Here is a test on my site http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120409_DF_3WS45/
12 years ago
from the report, I think the images are taking longer time to load, maybe you can try to optimize them.
And there are some "filenotfound.htm" I'm not sure if this also affects the ranking but it is better to get resolved. :)
12 years ago
Hello thrifty34,

I was experiencing similar performance loss when upgrading to 2.5 from 2.4 for my site which is currently under development. Also I am using some of the same plugins that you are using on your site.

I tried just about everything to resolve it from moving code around, standard performance optimizations, disabling suspect portions of code or plugins etc. After doing that for a couple days I was nearly certain it was not something that I had introduced.

Despite the "waterfall" performance chart seemingly indicating the images are the culprit I found that once I disabled "mobile device support" in the admin panel that performance vastly improved and load times were consistent on refresh etc. Oddly enough I had the mobile devices supported on 2.4 without any loss of performance on the primary site.

I decided to do a little more investigating using the default install of 2.50 to see if I could reproduce the fault without any extras. Sure enough performance dropped when I enabled "mobile device support" even on the default install of 2.50, this was not the case with the default install of 2.40.

Keep in mind I am doing all of this on my local host and not with a hosted domain so the load times I see are less than what you are experiencing, but the symptoms are identical when looking at your performance chart and playing around with your site in my browser.

Perhaps the root of the problem is in the way 2.50 detects a mobile device, or something that was changed with the mobile theme such as the database upgrade specified in the release notes. Whatever it may be it seems very strange that enabling the mobile device support would have such a profound impact on performance of the primary site.

See if you have "mobile device support" enabled and try disabling it to see if your performance improves.

Otherwise maybe me and you both are missing something.
12 years ago
Holy S#*t! - I've been looking at this for days - same symptoms  -long 'waiting' stage for images which in turn block other images indicated by Chrome Developer Tools network waterfall. Its worse in http://tools.pingdom.com very long Connect & Waiting stages for images. My home page was taking up to 20 secs, now its less than 2!

I was blaming IIS and questioning my hosting provider which is not entirely unjustified as there is some high intermittent response times on some of the hops on the way to the server.

Have you tried to apply?;

Change set: 92b1b6769107 Updated FluentValidation, MiniProfiler, 51degrees assemblies to the latest version
Change set: 88e058362940 Updated jQuery mobile to the latest version (1.1.0)

Thank you for your post. I'm sure others are having the same problem. Have you logged this as a bug? It think it should be.
12 years ago
I originally had 1.9 when I was first starting out, all that GoDaddy offered and tried to use it.  GoDaddy servers had my site crashing up to 15 times per day, it would not run at all and had no products.  They blamed me.

I did some digging and research and found Arvixe hosting.  I now have 2.5 on that, a lot of products and have not had one crash yet...

I am not sure if you have a server problem, but it sounds like it.  Not sure who you are with but a bad host will cause many headaches.
12 years ago
shanexh wrote:
See if you have "mobile device support" enabled and try disabling it to see if your performance improves.

Please see this topic
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