How do i use cache in MVC so it only gets the new chart once per day.
Here is some info:
I am getting xignite feed and I am creating the chart:
To display the chart in ColumnsThree.cshtml
I am writing this:
<img src="@Url.Action("MyChart")" alt="" />

I am writing the code in BaseNopController.cs

public ActionResult MyChart()
            // Build Chart
            var chart = new Chart()
                Height = 180,
                Width = 300,
                //BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom,
                //BackColor = Color.Gray,
                //BorderSkin = new BorderSkin() { SkinStyle = BorderSkinStyle.Emboss }

            // Add Chart Area and Set 3-D Settings
            chart.ChartAreas.Add(new ChartArea());

            XigniteMetals objMetalsService;
            objMetalsService = new XigniteMetals();
            xigniteMetalsSvc.HistoricalChart objHistoricalMetalQuote;

            ChartDesign cd = new ChartDesign();
            cd.TextTitle = "";
            cd.FormatDate = "MM/yy";

            objHistoricalMetalQuote = objMetalsService.GetMetalSpotChartCustom(xigniteMetalsSvc.MetalTypes.XAU,
                xigniteMetalsSvc.MetalCurrencyTypes.USD, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), xigniteMetalsSvc.StockChartStyles.Line, 320, 210, cd);

return new ChartActionResult(chart);

I will appreciate if someone can guide how do I call mychart only once per day otherwise where do I save that chart and get it from cache in nopcommerc v2.4