Inventory Stock Report?

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12 years ago
In 2.4 & 2.5 is there a way to see a list of inventory & stock on hand? I can see stock in an excel export of Products if stock is maintained only on the variant but most our stock is in the Attribute Combinations (either Sizes, Colors or a combination of both). I've reviewed the tables as well thinking a simple SQL select would work but it looks like the attribute combinations are stored in the tables as XML. Any help would be great. Thanks!
12 years ago
Somone else may be able to use this. It'll do for now.

SELECT     Product.Name, ProductVariant.Sku, ProductVariant.Name AS Variant, ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.TextPrompt, ProductVariantAttributeValue.Name AS Attr, a.StockQuantity AS [Attribute Stock], ProductVariant.StockQuantity AS [Regular Stock]
FROM         (SELECT     Id, ProductVariantId, AttributesXml, StockQuantity, AllowOutOfStockOrders, CONVERT(xml, AttributesXml) AS converted_col1
                       FROM          ProductVariantAttributeCombination) AS a INNER JOIN
                      ProductVariantAttributeValue ON a.converted_col1.value('(//Attributes/ProductVariantAttribute/ProductVariantAttributeValue/Value)[1] ', 'int')
                      = ProductVariantAttributeValue.Id INNER JOIN
                      ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping ON ProductVariantAttributeValue.ProductVariantAttributeId = ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.Id FULL OUTER JOIN
                      ProductVariant ON ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping.ProductVariantId = ProductVariant.Id INNER JOIN
                      Product ON ProductVariant.ProductId = Product.Id
WHERE     (Product.Deleted = 0) AND (ProductVariant.Deleted = 0)
ORDER BY Product.Name, ProductVariant.Sku, Variant
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