how to config SKU?

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15 years ago
Take T-Shirt for example, T-Shirt has product name, color, size and stock quantity.

I want such a result: One T-Shirt has different SKU

SKU1: productname + White color + M size + 200 quantity
SKU2: productname + White color + L size + 100 quantity
SKU3: productname + Black color + M size + 50  quantity
SKU4: productname + Black color + L size + 50  quantity

How to realize it?
15 years ago
To do this you create multiple product variants (SKUs)

In administration select your Product, click on the "Product Variants (SKU)" tab and click "Add a new product variant"

You can then set individual names for each variant, manage stock levels etc.

Hope this helps,

15 years ago
Or you can extend attribute functionality to support SKU prefix/postfix (needs developer skills)
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