Hi all,

I know there are various threads already about this, but I wanted to clarify Nop's current handling of orders. Currently, when the customer is on the confirm page and they click "Confirm" the following happens (sa far as I can tell)

- An order is created
- The inventory of the products in the users order are updated
- The users shopping basket is emptied
- Notification emails etc are sent out

I dont think it's that uncommon that a user might go off to the external payment gateway, get some sort of error message i.e. card denied, card declined etc and attempt to click back until they are at the Confirm page on the site again. This is currently a problem because their basket has been emptied. I've resolved this by not emptying the cart until the CheckoutController.Completed method - of course this will only work for users that dont quit out of the process before being redirected to the Completed page - but this is better than the alternative.

My current concern is that when an order is placed, and before it is paid for, the inventory is updated for the products in the customers order. Therefore, if the customer was ordering a product which only had 5 in stock, if they were malicious they could potentially place 5 orders, not pay for any of them, and the result (depending on the store settings) could be that the product is no longer available on the site.

I understand that this is by design to prevent cases where a customer pays for some goods, and in the time it takes them to pay another customer comes along and takes the last available in-stock products. As this would be somewhat of a rare case, would it not be better to handle this as an exception and alert the store owner that someone has ordered goods that arent actually in-stock? the store owner could then get in contact with the customer etc.

The main reason for asking, I guess, is because I would like to know what Nop's official stance on this is - do we need to develop our own solution, or are their plans in the roadmap to address this?

Sterling job on 2.4 guys - excited to start using 2.6 when its out!

Thanks in advance