I am working on filtering Cash on Delivery Payment Method. I would like to know on how to get the order total on Paymentmethod view so that i can skip cash on delibery of the order total before checkout is less than 300 or more than 10000. This is the code in Paymentmethod.cshtml, i would like to add an if statement with COD Filters. I would like to know on how to get the Order total before checkout on this view.

for (int i = 0 ; i < Model.PaymentMethods.Count; i++)
If Statement { }
                    var paymentMethod = Model.PaymentMethods[i];
                    <td valign="top" style="height:30px;">
                    <input id="paymentmethod_@(i)" type="radio" name="paymentmethod" value="@(paymentMethod.PaymentMethodSystemName)"  @(i == 0 ? Html.Raw(" checked=\"checked\"") : null) />
                    <label for="paymentmethod_@(i)">@paymentMethod.Name</label>