Hi, I have started exploring of nop commerce since few days back. For Multi Store Application I wan to use payment gateway (PayPal) store wise.
Thus there will be PayPal account integrated for each store. When user will purchase a product from a specific store then payment will be made to that store and also I want certain configuration so that user can purchase products from a single store at a time.
For example if user will use something like this www.myapp.com/st1 or www.myapp.com?s=1 then product of st1 (store 1) will be displayed only and there will not be any provision at user side to get any information about other store. And payment will be made to store 1 similarly if user will use www.myapp.com/st2 or www.myapp.com?s=2 then product of st2 (store 2) will be displayed only and there will not be any provision at user side to get any information about other store.

Admin will be able to create the store and other things.
Any answer and suggestion will be highly appreciated.
