Adding pages to nopcommerce

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11 years ago
Hi Guys

I am hoping someone out there can help me out here.

I am creating a multi store kindly supplied by Hezy, and I need to add extra pages which will return directory and event information, and I have created a separate database and CMS to populate the information.

I have created an Entity EDMX file and the relevant models, views and controller and connected it to the external DB, I am
able to see database fields in intellisense but for the life of me I cannot get the information onto the page, even just using a simple foreach statement on one field, there are some sample records in the table, but I am getting null exceptions which would suggest it's not pulling through the data, are there any reasons why it would not be able to pull through the data, the data connection is placed in the Config file, any help would be really appreciated as this is a must for me to be able to continue with the project, BTW I do not want to use topic pages as I want the pages to be dynamic, as there could potentially be a lot of data entry.

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Hi Guys

The issue is obviously a connectivity issue, as no matter where I place the connection string, I am still not able to connect to the other database, so if there is anyone out there that has succeeded to attach another database, if you would be kind enough to share your solution I would really appreciate it, just to clarify it's a edmx entity framework connection, I have even tried to add it to App_Data Setting file but the error says it's not supported.

Any help would really be appreciated.

kind Regards
11 years ago
Can you put the tables in the NOP db ?

That way you will have a connection.

11 years ago
Hi Dave

I can put the tables in the DB, but I don't think it's as simple as that though or is it? as it needs to update the entity framework.

Kind Regards
11 years ago
Hi Dave

I have done as you suggested and placed the tables in the in the DB created a base Entity class nop.core.domain and
the created a mapping class in and then created a view from the Controller, but still it does not pull the data into the view, help!!!! what do I need to do to make this work.

Kind Regards
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