Question about why something was coded the way it was?

In the AuthorizeNetPaymentProcessor.cs class inside the Capture method when parsing the response from, you set the AuthorizationTransactionCode and the AuthorizationTransactionResult of the ProcessPaymentResult object equal to the trans_id and auth_code of the Capture response.  Therefore when the order gets updated in the database it is overwriting the actual transaction code and result of the Authorization.  I noticed there are columns in the Order table for CaptureTransactionID and CaptureTransactionResult, shouldn't those columns be used instead??

The reason I ask is because maybe there was a valid reason for why you coded it the way you did but maybe I'm missing something.

Also another curious note is that you are parsing out the AVS Result, however, nothing is being done with it and it's not being inserted into the Order table.  Why was AVS Result left out of the DB?

Thanks for your help in advance, NopCommerce has been phenomenal we are actually releasing our website live very soon.  We were able to get the site working on a Web Farm and also pulled the Tasks out of the web.config and have them running standalone in a Windows service.  We'd be happy to contribute to the code base.