
This is general question for the dev team or anyone who might know.

I noticed that somewhere from 2.1 to the current version that NopValidatorFactory.cs no longer caches validators.  This is understandable per the comment about settings updates.  However, in this post Jeremy Skinner says "...keep in mind that if you're caching validator instances (which is recommended, as expression tree compilation is expensive) ".

My question is, does anyone offhand know how expensive this really is?  For a busy store manager who works a lot on the back end there are lots of validation forms being used.  

I use fluent validation in many of my projects but only recently passed in database value into the constructor and found out why that doesn't work when caching is enabled.  For me I will just manually catch the error in my controller but I only have to deal with one or two "settings".  Is this even feasible for nop? Probably not.  Has anyone tried any workarounds like manually refreshing NopValidatorFactory when needed?

Just some thoughts.  Thanks.
