Hello all,

In nopCommerce 2.65, I’ve manually added a new PermissionRecord inside the StandardPermissionProvider.cs file. I’ve copy/pasted an existing one and modified it.

I’ve also copy/pasted the CustomerRoleController, renamed it to CustomerGroupController and made all the necessary modifications (in the ICustomerService as well to handle the same methods).

I’ve also copy/pasted the ViewsCustomerRole folder (and its files) and created my own CustomerGroup folder (and its files). I’ve modified the strongly typed views and created my own CustomerGroupModel.cs file as well.

I’ve added a new entry in the sitemap.config to view my new Customer Group section

Basically, all the necessary changes have been made and everything builds correctly.

When navigating to the admin(backend) section, I can click on my new Custom Group section but it causes an AccessDenied error.

After searching and trying stuff, I’ve manually added a new record inside the PermissionRecord TABLE and I’ve manually added a new record inside the PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping TABLE.

I have a two part question:
1)  When I navigated to the Access Control List, I do not see my new PermissionRecord Name thus, I can’t give/assign that permission to a Role. That’s why I believe I had to manually create those records in the TABLES.
2)  How does one properly do this? Do you really have to manually play around the TABLES and add records or is there a better way?

Thanks in advance!