After several months of hard work, my boyfriend and I are proud to show you our new site made with the nopCommerce source.

We customised the source to our needs, and also to be more versatile for other sites we will be adding in the future.

What you see is more the tip of the iceberg. For exemple, we now have option to change to one, two or three columns in a single clic in the admin menu. Same thing with category, manufacturer, product box, ... I did several templates to choose from. In a single clic, I can change completely the way the site looks.

Also, in order to speed up the entries of similar products, we added "copy from" button. Not to mention, while I'm entering new products, a button to hide them from users, but visible to me in the public store ...

I redid all the .CSS, changing and regrouping the classes, so when I try a new color or setting, it affects the whole site.

Hope you like it and any feedback is welcomed ! We want to improve our site.

Last thing, I want to THANK nopCommerce for their amazing flexible open source.

You can come visit us at:

Team of  Bizou Baz'Art