Installing NopCommerce on multidomain based on language.

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11 years ago
Hi Andrei Mazoulnitsyn,

I wanted to setup a store that should follow these rule:

1. Should run on different domains based on the language culture, eg: the should open only the dutch language website, should launch only the english website.

2. The Menu, Categories and sidebar text are getting translated when i use the language extension, but not the categories and products, it is being displayed in default english language.

So im ultimately confused to proceed with. If I dont have an option to mount other domains to this portal, is there a way to automatically get all the texts translated into their respective languages based on the language culture?


When you logon to: --> Should open only the English Website --> Should open only the Dutch Website --> Should open only the Portuguese Website

How to achieve this?
Plz. help,
Thank you.
11 years ago
Any Help plz?
11 years ago
Visit here!
I have change code in nopcommerce. It works
11 years ago
I've implemented this too, and it does seem to work which is great.

Would there be a way to link the permissions so if you logged into one .de site then switching language to the .com it would keep you connected?
As currently i have to login again
11 years ago
Hi Tolpeit,
For the Development Scenario,
I did add the reference and added the settings in the web.config, mapped the domains on IIS bindings after adding a record for other domains on my HOSTS file but when i navigate via browser, the language culture remains English for all the domains.
Also when i switch with reference to the language culture seo code eg:
it shows the portal related words getting translated in their respective languages but not the real inner content.
11 years ago
I did add the language strings downloading from the language extensions pack available from the nopCommerce website. My requirement is simple,
1. The single shopping cart should translate its products in English, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish with respect to the incoming http request.
2. Would be great if can manage these language culture with respect to its domain(s).
For eg: –> shows up the english content(Both Inner content and Portal controls too). –> Should show Dutch –> Spanish –> Portuguese
Should redirect based on the client side country detection.

How to achieve this?
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