Small problem changing from 2.65 to 2.7...

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11 years ago
This is probably something I am doing but when I run the upgrade.sql on my (2008) DB I get the following:

IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM syscolumns WHERE id=object_id('[DiscountRequirement]') and NAME='RestrictedProductVariantIds') 
DECLARE @entity_id int
DECLARE cur_existing_entity CURSOR FOR
FROM [DiscountRequirement]
WHERE [DiscountRequirementRuleSystemName] = N'DiscountRequirement.HasAllProducts'
or [DiscountRequirementRuleSystemName] = N'DiscountRequirement.HasOneProduct'
or [DiscountRequirementRuleSystemName] = N'DiscountRequirement.PurchasedAllProducts'
or [DiscountRequirementRuleSystemName] = N'DiscountRequirement.PurchasedOneProduct'
OPEN cur_existing_entity
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_existing_entity INTO @entity_id
DECLARE @settingname nvarchar(1000)  
SET @settingname = N'DiscountRequirement.RestrictedProductVariantIds-' + CAST(@entity_id AS nvarchar(max))

DECLARE @RestrictedProductVariantIds nvarchar(MAX)
SET @RestrictedProductVariantIds = 0

DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT @RestrictedProductVariantIds = [RestrictedProductVariantIds] FROM [DiscountRequirement] WHERE [Id] = ' + ISNULL(CAST(@entity_id AS nvarchar(max)), '0')
EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@RestrictedProductVariantIds int OUTPUT',@RestrictedProductVariantIds OUTPUT

IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM [Setting] WHERE [name] = @settingname)
INSERT [Setting] ([Name], [Value])
VALUES (@settingname, @RestrictedProductVariantIds)

--fetch next identifier
FETCH NEXT FROM cur_existing_entity INTO @entity_id
CLOSE cur_existing_entity
DEALLOCATE cur_existing_entity

--drop RestrictedProductVariantIds column
EXEC('ALTER TABLE [DiscountRequirement] DROP COLUMN [RestrictedProductVariantIds]')
Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line number 1
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '87,88' to data type int.

What am I doing wrong?  I have changed nothing in the original DB...
11 years ago
In the nopCommerce 2.65 to nopCommerce 2.70 upgrade script (upgrade.sql), change line 2121 from:
EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@RestrictedProductVariantIds int OUTPUT',@RestrictedProductVariantIds OUTPUT

EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@RestrictedProductVariantIds nvarchar(MAX) OUTPUT',@RestrictedProductVariantIds OUTPUT
11 years ago
Bingo, that fixed it thanks!  

11 years ago
Thanks a lot! I've just uploaded the fixed upgrade file to codeplex
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