Mini shopping-cart right column Nop 2.7

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11 years ago
It is possibile to always view mini shopping cart on the right column (like in nop 2.5)?
11 years ago
Any idea?
11 years ago
Yes. (Almost anything is possible).

Because the mini shopping cart has been replaced by the flyout shopping cart, you'll need to create a new view and add a method for it in the relevant controller.

You could probably just copy the 2.5 view in, edit it for any changed model names then duplicate the flyout method in the Shopping Cart controller and edit to suit.

Once done, just add the @HtmlAction() to write it into the side bar/column.
11 years ago
Very difficult. Someone can you help me?

I copy MiniShoppingCart views from nop 2.5 and I add Html.Action
but I am not be able to edit Nop.Web.Controllers.ShoppingCartController
11 years ago
andreacaffy wrote:
but I am not be able to edit Nop.Web.Controllers.ShoppingCartController

Can you explain why?
11 years ago
I open project in Visual Studio 2012 but I don't understand what do I do.
Do I copy code from the same file in nop 2.5?
11 years ago
Ok. Are you new to c# development? If so, you should probably get a bit more familiar with using c#/mvc before tackling something like this.

If you are happy you can do this, then (and this is an outline, not a tutorial):

Find the FlyoutShoppingCart() method, copy it and rename the copy to match the view you've imported/added.

Check the Model in the view matches that returned by the controller.

Check there aren't any errors in the view from name changes/additions/deletes between 2.5 and 2.7.

Run the site.

You will almost certainly get a few errors and the layout will be screwed up.

You should, in theory, have a static basket in the menu.
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