products by tag not changing. (resolved)

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11 years ago
mb wrote:
Some info about customer-selectable page size options:

-Non-integer option values are ignored, so a value like 'All' or '10.5' are not displayed (no error is thrown, the values are just ignored)

-The first value is the default value. So if the options are '4,2,8,12', 4 is the default display option (if the customer hasn't selected a value, the default value is also used if the customer modifies the URL to use a page size that is not one of the options).

-The page size options can be in any order (default value first) and they will be sorted before being displayed

-If the setting "Allow customers to select 'Products by tag' page size" is checked and there are valid values in "'Products by tag' Page Size options", then the setting "'Products by tag' page. Products per page" IS NOT used.

-If the setting "Allow customers to select 'Products by tag' page size" is checked and there are NO valid values in "'Products by tag' Page Size options", then the setting "'Products by tag' page. Products per page" IS used.

-There is a setting named 'catalogsettings.defaultcategorypagesizeoptions' that allows you to specify the default options to use when new Categories are created. Changeable through Admin > Configuration > Settings > All Settings (Advanced) > Funnel Icon. Changing its value does not affect existing categories.

-There is a setting named 'catalogsettings.defaultmanufacturerpagesizeoptions' that allows you to specify the default options to use when new Manufacturers are created. Changeable through Admin > Configuration > Settings > All Settings (Advanced) > Funnel Icon. Changing its value does not affect existing manufacturers.


Regarding your product tag page size options not changing:

It may be obvious, but ensure you are viewing a products by tag URL, the URL will be in the following format:
If you uncheck (and save) the Catalog setting "Allow customers to select 'Products by tag' page size", is the 'Display [N] per page' element removed from the products by tag page?

You can also try to clear the cache by opening Web.Config and adding a space and saving the file.


You can update the setting via SSMS with the following SQL statements (updates the setting to 10,40,100 and then displays its value):
UPDATE [Setting]
   SET [Value] = '10,40,100'
WHERE [Name] = 'catalogsettings.productsbytagpagesizeoptions'

  FROM [Setting]
WHERE [Name] = 'catalogsettings.productsbytagpagesizeoptions'
Since this change is done outside the admin UI, you will need to clear the cache in admin for the setting to be updated from the database.



I ran the sql script, made a white space in the web config, restarted everything and all is good.

Thank you very much, can this also be done for the normal catagories when the url is

11 years ago
You can set the page size options for categories on the SEO tab when editing category details in Admin:

Admin > Catalog > Categories > List > select 'Edit' > select 'SEO' tab > check "Allow customers to select page size" > enter comma separated page size options > Save.


For categories, the page size options are stored in the Category table. You can update them with the following SQL statement (enables page size options and sets the value to 10,40,100 where the Category.Id is 1):
UPDATE [Category]
   SET [AllowCustomersToSelectPageSize] = 1
      ,[PageSizeOptions] = '10,40,100'
WHERE Id = 1
If you leave off the WHERE clause, you can enable and update page size options for every category at once.

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