I noticed that the Best Sellers on the Dashboard shows canceled orders so I tracked down the stored procedure and fixed it.
This is not a critical bug, but it's nice for the admin to know.
It seems that another table with a foreign key was added for OrderStatus since the previous release but the old column (which isn't updated) is still referenced in the stored procedure.
All you have to do is run the following SQL in Management Stdio and it will fix the problem. It was tested and it works.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Nop_SalesBestSellersReport]  
@LastDays int = 360,  
@RecordsToReturn int = 10,  
@OrderBy int = 1  

DECLARE @cmd varchar(500)  
  ID int not null identity,  
  ProductVariantID int,  
  SalesTotalCount int,  
  SalesTotalAmount money)  
INSERT #tmp (  
FROM (SELECT opv.ProductVariantID, SUM(opv.Quantity) AS SalesTotalCount, SUM(opv.PriceExclTax) AS SalesTotalAmount  
    FROM [Nop_OrderProductVariant] opv  
    INNER JOIN [Nop_Order] o on opv.OrderID = o.OrderID  
    WHERE o.CreatedOn >= dateadd(dy, -@LastDays, getdate())  
    AND NOT o.OrderStatusID=(SELECT OrderStatusID FROM Nop_OrderStatus WHERE Name='Cancelled')--By the way, it's spelled "Canceled", either way, add this line...
    --AND o.Deleted=0  --This 'Deleted' column isn't updated anymore...
    GROUP BY opv.ProductVariantID  
   ) s  
  INNER JOIN [Nop_ProductVariant] pv with (nolock) on s.ProductVariantID = pv.ProductVariantID  
  INNER JOIN [Nop_Product] p with (nolock) on pv.ProductID = p.ProductID  
WHERE p.Deleted = 0  
  AND p.Published = 1    
  AND pv.Published = 1  
  AND pv.Deleted = 0  
ORDER BY case @OrderBy when 1 then s.SalesTotalCount when 2 then s.SalesTotalAmount else s.SalesTotalCount end desc  
SET @cmd = 'SELECT TOP ' + convert(varchar(10), @RecordsToReturn ) + ' * FROM #tmp Order By ID'  
EXEC (@cmd)