A recent project involved duplicating the product functionality and using it for recipes (i.e. recipe categories and under this recipes). I have a problem with the paging functionality in that the paging links that are created are not appending the current full URL with the recipe category ID, this means that when you click to go to page 2 for instance, the current category ID is lost and it returns to the default of showing all recipes. When clicking on a recipe category the first page of products is shown correctly, but as mentioned clicking the paging links means the current category ID selected is lost. The URLs that are created are in the format:

<my site>/recipes?pagenumber=2

but should be

<my site>recipes/c/2?pagenumber=2

Now I know that the product functionality paging is working correctly as this is still in the system and working perfectly, what I can't figure out is how/why the current recipe category ID is not being appended. The functionality is using the same pager functionality as the products, therefore I am presuming it is down to some form of routing issues, or something else that needs changing that I am not aware of.

Does anyone have any ideas or has anyone successfully duplicated the product functionality before and the paging has continued to work correctly?
