
I'm looking to replace our Product Configurator with the nopCommerce platform. This is at this time only a Proof of Concept.
However, I have some missing functionality in the nopCommerce.
First of all, I would like to group attributes with a set of allowed values and then assign the group to a Product Variant. When assigning the Attribute Set to the Product Variant, all attributes in that group will be listed in a Group Section.

For example, there would be an Attribute Group "Basic Product" which contains an Attribute "Model" with a drop downlist of available models, and an attribute "Frequency" with possible values, "Voltage" and so on.
Another Attribute Group would be "Connection options" with "Connection Type", "Modem" and so on.
When both groups are assigned to a Product Variant you would see the "Basic Product" with all its attributes and a section for "Connection options" with all its attributes.
The attribute groups must be able to be set up per Product or Product Variant.

Another thing is to include constraints which eliminates the possibility to configure a wrong product. For example, when a user selects a frequency of 50Hz, the attribute value "380 Volt" should be removed from the list of power supply.

Does this make sense?

I think I could do the modifications myself, but then I will not be able to upgrade to later versions, will I?

thanks for the support and congratulations for this splendid application.