
Trying to replace Wishlist check box with add to cart button :

I did put this code instead of check box :
<input type="submit" name="addtocart-@(item.Id)" value="@T("ShoppingCart.AddToCart")" id="addtocart-@(item.Id)" class="addtocartbutton" />

It's adding items alright , but now I have a problem:
The quantity appears on Shopping cart exact same as on wishlist , if you have quantity set in the box to what ever different to what on the wishlist , this won't work  out , obviously because in a AddOneItemtoCartFromWishlist() parameter sci.Quantity is a result of query to database , so Quantity is a stored value , not what in a quantity " text box".

Another thing is process of adding to Shopping cart can be  Ajax  and notification be displayed as in catalog "add to cart" button?

On other hand , may be it's better to incorporate _ProductVariantAddToCart route to wishlist , to ajax loading and quantity box working?
