This may be intentional but I'm not sure why it would be, I've searched the forum but not found anything on the subject.

I think it'd be a good idea to have some unique indexes on some Title / Name fields, such as 'SystemName' in the Topic table, after a bit of SQL went awry I have duplicates in there now, amongst other places. It's no great problem to sort that out but I had assumed there would be an index to stop there being duplicate SystemName values. I've had a look around some other tables and none seem to have unique indexes on key (with small 'k') fields that really ought to be unique.

While I'm here, the SystemName in the Topic table is nvarchar(MAX) - I'd have thought some figure like 512 or something would be more appropriate, why allow for such utterly vast system names ?

Oh, one more thing - should the SystemName field really allow nulls ? - maybe the way the code works needs his for some reason but I'd have thought that field really ought to have a value so should be enforced that way.

None of the above are causing me a problem, and obviously I'm at liberty to tinker as I see fit to 'fix' it but thought the discussion was worth having - I'm totally new to nopCommerce but an old hand at SQL (been using it professionally since version 7 nearly 15 years ago, jeez that's scary) so keen to help/add my 2p worth/cause a huge standards flame war (strike that last one !).

I'd be happy to make a note of schema changes I'd suggest and submit them in bulk for the delectation/attention of the development/DB team if that's of any use.

Cheers, Chris