Hi guys

I added a new entity in the solution (bundle) which I associated to product Variant.

I created news classes:

  public partial class BundleProduct : BaseEntity
        public virtual int BundleId { get; set; }
        public virtual int ProductId { get; set; }
        public virtual Bundle Bundle { get; set; }
        public virtual ProductVariant ProductVariant { get; set; }


public partial class BundleProductMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<BundleProduct>
        public BundleProductMap()
            this.HasKey(pc => pc.Id);

            this.HasRequired(pc => pc.Bundle)
                .HasForeignKey(pc => pc.BundleId);

            this.HasRequired(pc => pc.ProductVariant)
                .HasForeignKey(pc => pc.ProductId);

When the system generates the ProductVariant model, i'm getting an exception when it tries to get the bundle collection:

"object 'dbo.BundleProductVariants' not valid"

is that an issue with mapping?
how the system generate this object so he has to look into it

thanks in advance

best regards