Product with price on home page

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14 years ago
by clicking show on home page the product displays on the home page.
I would like the product to display with some discription and price.

For example like on  

Is this configurable?  If so how?

14 years ago
It requires some customization. Look at NopCommerceStore\Modules\HomePageProducts.ascx control
14 years ago
How to do that? I searched everywhere but Its not showing Price & other details.

Here is what I did to show short description:

Added this line in HomePageProducts.ascx.cs

lShortDescription.Text = product.ShortDescription;

Added this line in HomePageProducts.ascx

<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="lShortDescription"></asp:Literal>

It didnt give any error but is not showing Short Description :(
14 years ago
You are binding a collection so not sure where you are setting product.[property name] but it would be easier to use the Eval("PropertyName") syntax inside your data list template.

That said, it would be much easier if you just looked at the Category product templates (e.g. Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx) and used the ProductBox controls.

This will save you a lot of time and will allow you to reuse the styles you have set on category/manufacturer pages.


14 years ago
Thanks Ben,

Can you also tell me how to add Hyperlink for "View Detail"
I tried Eval("ProductURL") and also tried the View Detail Button from modules/ProductBox1.ascs but it didnt work :(
13 years ago
Is there any simple method to do the same? Can I Just copy paste the code from category page in the home page with all details shown on home page also ?
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